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Process of Meditation

Meditation is very simple. In Meditation, the attention of the mind should constantly be on the normal, natural breath.

The task on hand is effortful, joyful oneness with the breath.

No ”mantra” to be chanted…

no form of any ‘ deity ‘ to be entertained in the mind…

no hathayogic pranayama like ‘ kumbhaka ‘..

holding the breath.. should be attempted.


  1. Hands should be clasped and all fingers should go into all fingers

  2. The feet should be crossed

  3. The eyes should be closed

  4. Observe the normal natural breath

Note – Any comfortable sitting posture can be taken… The posture should be as comfortable as possible…It is not at all necessary that we should squat on the ground… You can perfectly prefer a comfortable sofa… 

What happens when we meditate?

  1. “When we are with the breath-energy, the mind becomes rather empty.

  2. Then, there is a tremendous in-flow of cosmic energy into the physical body.

  3. Gradually, the hitherto dormant third-eye begins to become activated.

  4. And, by and by, cosmic consciousness gets to be experienced.

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