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It is true, that meditation can be done at all places and at all times. However, if we do meditation while sitting in a Pyramid, we will receive more universal energy, i.e. cosmic energy. The Pyramid is like a magnifying lens. Sun rays are everywhere, but if these sun-rays are focused at a point by using a magnifying lens, even a paper kept at this point will burn. If the sun-rays are not focused, the paper remains intact. Similarly, cosmic energy is everywhere. The basic source for this cosmic energy is cosmic consciousness. Cosmic energy is the basis for physical atomic energy. This cosmic energy exists everywhere. The instrument to focus this cosmic energy is the Pyramid.


The word “ Pyramid ”, can be split in two parts – these are ‘pyra‘ and ‘mid‘.


‘Pyra‘ means fire and ‘Mid‘ indicates a position in the centre or in the ‘middle’. When energy is focused, it gets stronger and its strength doubles or triples. If the strength is increased further, then fire emerges. So, to get the maximum energy from the pyramid, we have to sit in the middle of this fire i.e. pyra + mid ! For the focusing energy to be maximum, a pyramid should be aligned towards the true North – South at an angle of 51° 51′ 51″.


Pyramids help in concentrating the Mind:

If we place a Pyramid on a table, our mind gets focused automatically on the Pyramid. That means, mind will not run here and there but gets into the habit of focusing itself. Pyramids center our mind even from a distance. This new habit minimizes the wandering of the mind and unifies the mind. Hence, we can keep Pyramids anywhere in our house.


We can remove the ill effects carried forward from our previous lives by doing Meditation.



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